Maintaining Good Hearing

Maintaining Good Hearing May Help Protect Cognitive Health

Cutting-edge research from America’s ACHIEVE study found that hearing interventions can slow cognitive decline by 48%. This means that good hearing may lead to better mental health, especially for seniors who may have a greater risk for developing dementia.

At Better Hearing Clinic, we believe in providing better hearing care for all; not just some. We’re passionate about ensuring our patients stay up-to-date with modern research so they can make informed decisions for their health — both now and in the future.

What Did the Study Cover?

The ACHIEVE study surveyed 977 participants between the ages of 74 and 80. Each of them were untreated for hearing loss and did not have an existing mental health diagnosis.

It took three years to complete this study, since researchers conducted tests across four major universities. As of today, the study has concluded that hearing loss is potentially the biggest modifiable risk factor in preventing dementia.

What Did the Study Find?

The results of this study uncovered three unique insights:

  1. Hearing intervention slowed down cognitive decline by as much as 48%.
  2. The use of hearing aids increased self-perceived communication abilities, mitigated feelings of loneliness, and nurtured bigger social networks for all participants.
  3. For those at high risk of cognitive decline, the use of hearing aids may have immediate benefits. However, those who are not at a high risk for cognitive decline may take longer to exhibit the benefits of hearing aids.

Considering 2.5 billion people will experience some degree of hearing loss by 2050, understanding the risks of waiting to treat hearing issues may be key to ensuring a healthier life.

Did you know that hearing loss is common among veterans? Read more here.

The 5 Benefits of Hearing Care

Proper hearing care does far more than stave away the effects of dementia. The ACHIEVE study found several additional benefits, including:

  1. Greater quality of life. Taking control of your hearing can positively impact your health and overall quality of life.
  2. Better brain health. Hearing aids have been shown to support better brain health and may reduce cognitive decline.
  3. Reduced loneliness. A well-managed hearing loss enables people to reconnect with family, friends, and colleagues. 
  4. Improved mental health. By breaking the cycle of isolation, hearing care directly contributes to improved mental health.
  5. Boosted productivity. Having a hearing loss addressed can often benefit people’s professional life and productivity.

It’s clear that hearing care solutions are designed with safety in mind and have a positive impact on our ability to communicate and engage with others.

Where Do You Go From Here?

Hearing loss is often considered a nuisance or side effect of aging. However, more and more research points to more serious underlying factors — which the use of a hearing aid could slow or even prevent.

If you’re concerned about your hearing, or if you want to learn more about the benefits of hearing care, reach out to the team at Better Hearing Clinic to discuss your options with our team.

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